Ecobuild Africa
Promoting Sustainable Construction, Urban Development & Communities
The Kenya SymbioCity Programme: Coming Soon


Understanding the Tipping Point of Urban Violence

Understanding the Tipping Point of Urban Violence (UK-Aid and DfID)

This project is was financed by the UK-Aid and DfID. It involved 10 researchers, namelyAlfred Omenya and Grace Lubaale (Eco-Build Africa), Caroline Moser and Denis Rodgers (University of Manchester), Alfredo Roderiguez, Marisol...
by kakunza

Collaborations with the Woodrow Wilson Center, USA

Safe + Smart Cities [Collaboration with the Woodrow Wilson Center, USA]

“Safe + Smart Cities”  [Collaboration with the Woodrow Wilson Center, USA] will highlight policies and practices that integrate new smart city technologies and planning concepts with efforts to make urban areas more resil...
by kakunza

Solid Waste Recycling Plant at Ekisltuna Sweden

Symbiocity, Sustainable Urban Development Programme for Kenya

Working in collaboration with SKL International (Stockholm), Eco-build Africa has been developing the Kenyan Symbiocity Programme. The SymbioCity approach is a holistic approach to sustainable urban development. The concept put...
by kakunza