1. Understanding Tipping Points and Value Chains of Urban Processes.
  2. State of African Cities Report 2010 (Eastern Africa).
  3. State of African Cities Report 2012 (Eastern Africa).
  4. Pro-poor adaptation to climate change in Mombasa: Rapid risk institutional assessment & participatory climate change asset adaptation appraisal in Mombasa.
  5. Pro-poor adaptation to climate change in Mombasa: rapid risk institutional assessment of the city of Mombasa. The World Bank, Washington.
  6. Research on Construction Methods and Materials in East Africa, with a Focus on Arusha Tanzania.
  7. Process Mapping in Nairobi Kenya for Development Cooperation.
  8. Review of the Sida ECOVIC Sustainable Use of Lake Victoria. Nairobi: Sida REED.
  9. Towards a just & equitable climate change policy: a politico-moral call by signatories of the African Climate Appeal.
  10. Nairobi: Evolving Urbanism from the Perspective of Mobility.
  11. Island Urbanism: Spatial Segregation in Nairobi
  12. Evaluation of the Partnership of United Nations Associations of East Africa/United Nations Association of Sweden Supported Under Sida’s Lake Victoria Initiative
  13. Categories and Characteristics of Green Finance for Reduction and Climate Change Mitigation: Placing Green Finance in Relation to GHG Reduction and Climate Change.
  14. Equity, Rights & Justice: in Adaptation, Clean Development Mechanism & Post-Kyoto.
  15. International Climate Change Negotiations and North-South Relations: a Monologue.
  16. Africa’s Positions in International Climate Change.
  17. Research into environmental hazards from the biggest dumpsite in Kenya, the Dandora dumpsite. Study included explorations of community based methane gas capture solutions.
  18. Urban Development Perspectives:  Spaces for Sweden’s Strategy for Sub Saharan Africa.
  19. Consultants for the Swedish International Development Agency, Lake Victoria Initiative, Strategy for the period 2007-2009.
  20. Consultants for the Evaluation of the performance of the regional NGO, ‘ECOVIC’ for the duration of support by the Swedish International Development Agency, Lake Victoria Initiative. Commissioned by Sida, LVI (Published)
  21. Designing, Measuring and Implementing Sustainable Urban Development for the City of Johannesburg (draft) a collaborative research between the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg and Chalmers University, Sweden.