• PhD, Department of Architecture, Wits University Johannesburg (2005)
  • Master of Architecture, (With Distinction in all subjects) Wits University Johannesburg (2002)
  • Bachelor of Architecture, University of Nairobi, Kenya (1997).
  • KCSE, Alliance High School (1989) scored 7 straight As

Prof. Alfred Omenya is an environmental Architect trained in architectural design, sustainable urbanism and development. He is Principal Researcher, Eco-Build Africa. He has been the Dean, School of the Built Environment at the Technical University of Kenya and Principal Researcher at Eco-Build Africa. He taught at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg and University of Nairobi, Kenya, as Associate Professor of Architecture. He has published over 70 academic papers in his research areas.

Prof. Omenya has also worked in the private Sector, as a Principal Architect, in Planning Systems Architects (Kenya) and Sync Consult (South Africa). He has undertaken various research consultancies for many international organisations including the World Bank, UN-Habitat, UNEP, African Union, Sida (Sweden), UK-Aid, Oxfam GB, GOAL Ireland, etc. He collaborates in research with Harvard Graduate School, ETH Zurich, University of Manchester, University of Florida, the Woodrow Wilson Center, African Centre for Cities, Institute of Security Studies, etc.

His recent works include African Union Common Position on Climate Change; African Union Strategy on Climate Change, State of African Cities Reports and the Swedish SymbioCity Programme.