Ecobuild Africa
Promoting Sustainable Construction, Urban Development & Communities
The Kenya SymbioCity Programme: Coming Soon


Solid Waste Recycling Plant at Ekisltuna Sweden

Symbiocity, Sustainable Urban Development Programme for Kenya

Working in collaboration with SKL International (Stockholm), Eco-build Africa has been developing the Kenyan Symbiocity Programme. The SymbioCity approach is a holistic approach to sustainable urban development. The concept put...
by kakunza

Understanding the Tipping Point of Urban Violence

Understanding the Tipping Point of Urban Violence (UK-Aid and DfID)

This project is was financed by the UK-Aid and DfID. It involved 10 researchers, namelyAlfred Omenya and Grace Lubaale (Eco-Build Africa), Caroline Moser and Denis Rodgers (University of Manchester), Alfredo Roderiguez, Marisol...
by kakunza

Collaborations with the Woodrow Wilson Center, USA

Safe + Smart Cities [Collaboration with the Woodrow Wilson Center, USA]

“Safe + Smart Cities”  [Collaboration with the Woodrow Wilson Center, USA] will highlight policies and practices that integrate new smart city technologies and planning concepts with efforts to make urban areas more resil...
by kakunza