Ecobuild Africa
Promoting Sustainable Construction, Urban Development & Communities
The Kenya SymbioCity Programme: Coming Soon


Prof. Omenya and African Union Experts on Climate Change, meeting in Denmark

The African Strategy on Climate Change

Eco-Build Africa provided technical support and guide for development of the African Union Climate Change Strategy, through Prof. Alfred Omenya, between 2009 and 2013. It is an established scientific fact that the earth’s cli...
by kakunza

Pro-poor adaptation to climate change in Mombasa: The World Bank, Washington.

Pro-poor adaptation to climate change in Mombasa: The World Bank, Washington.

Large populations of the urban poor are most at risk from effects of climate change in developing countries. Lives, assets, environmental quality and future prosperity is threatened by growing risks of storms, flooding, landsli...
by kakunza

Dandora Landfill Gas Project

Dandora Landfill Gas Project

This was a research project into environmental hazards from the biggest dumpsite in Kenya, the Dandora dumpsite. Study included explorations of community based methane gas capture solutions. Landfill gas energy projects have be...
by kakunza